What is Parent and Family Education?
In recent years, there has been a growing appreciation of the development of the child in the earliest years. The importance of effective parent-child interaction during the preschool years indicates that children develop their potential for learning during the earliest years, and parents and families are the principle facilitators of this development. To encourage parents and families in positive parent education is important in this school. Local workshops, conferences, symposiums and classes are posted on a bulletin board in the preschool.
What are the Family Expectations?
TLCP is a cooperative preschool operating with a family-cooperative philosophy. Family involvement is important and required. The strength of the school lies in the concept that the cooperative is a joint endeavor.
Why are Families so Important?
A greater range of talents, experience and resources is brought to the school through the families, and a higher quality of time and attention is available to each child when both parent or guardian and teacher are participating. In addition, a better perspective on one’s child is gained when the child is observed in relationship with children of the same age.
Families and children find volunteer participation a very rewarding and enjoyable experience! We hope you will find your participation an exciting learning adventure for you and your child in a reciprocal educational atmosphere.
When do I Volunteer?
Families make a commitment upon enrollment to act as a volunteer at TLCP for 15 hours per year. Families may sign up to assist in the classroom, to serve on committees, to perform maintenance jobs, or to work on school enhancements. The type of volunteer work you select will determine when you need to volunteer. Jobs and committee work will be posted throughout the school year as the need arises. Assistance in the classroom is helpful every school day. Please talk to your child’s teacher to arrange classroom time.
What do I do in the Classroom?
Volunteers in the classroom assist in projects and supervision of children at centers and on the playground. They encourage children to explore, cooperate, communicate and express themselves.
What Else is Required?
All families are required to attend a school orientation meeting at the beginning of the school year. Individual sessions will be arranged for parents/guardians of children who enroll after the orientation meeting.
How Many Children are Enrolled?
TLCP is state licensed by the Department of Social Services for 30 children, 21/2 through 10 years of age, with a staff ratio of 1 adult to 6 children. Children are not required to be toilet trained.
What is the Daily Schedule?
Both age groups open Monday-Friday mornings, 9:00 am until 1:00 pm with lunch being served from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm daily. The TLCP calendar follows Lewis-Palmer District #38.
What do I Need to Bring for my Child?
- Please dress your child in comfortable clothing for creative, often messy activities.
- Bring an extra set of clothing for all ages: underwear, pants, shirt and socks. It will be kept in the bathroom. Please LABEL all clothing with your child’s name.
- Please check that items you are taking home belong to your child. Many mittens, boots, etc. look alike. Take a moment and check the name.
- If your child is not toilet trained, bring a full package of diapers and wipes with their name clearly marked.
- Bring NO toys from home to avoid lost or broken toys. If your child needs a special “security” toy or blanket, it is fine to bring that and we will help your child put it away with his or her coat.
- Bring appropriate clothing for changing outdoor weather. We do not take the children outdoors in adverse weather, but we do take them out in snow. Please send hats, boots, gloves and snow pants, labeled with the child’s name, all winter.
- Bring tuition on the first session of each month and leave it in the cash box on the office door labeled tuition. You will receive a receipt within a week.